More about Deon…
Deon Bruwer is a Pastoral Therapist in private practice. He specializes in relationships and other mental health issues. He is registered with the the ACRP, a professional body, as Specialist Therapist (Category 7 according to SAQA requirements). In 1978 he graduated with a master’s degree in Clinical Pastoral Care and in 1998 he received a Doctor’s Degree in Pastoral Theology, both from the University of Stellenbosch. Deon formed part of multi-professional teams at Stikland Hospital as Pastoral Therapist and acquired in depth knowledge of psychiatry and the influence of mental health on life and spirituality.
Deon did several postdoctoral research studies on guidance for individuals and people in relationships. He has an intense interest in Neuroscience and the influence of mindfulness on human perceptions and behaviour and how it can bring change. He works from a non-judgemental position to find practical solutions for problems, bring change and search for meaning in life.
Meer oor Deon…
Deon Bruwer is ‘n Pastorale Terapeut in privaat praktyk waar hy spesialiseer in verhoudingsterapie en enige lewensvrae wat verband hou met geestesgesondheid. Hy is geregistreer by die beroepsliggaam ACRP as ‘n Spesialis Terapeut (Kategorie 7 volgens SAQA vereistes). Hy ontvang in 1978 ‘n meestersgraad in Kliniese Pastoraat en in 1998 behaal hy ‘n doktorsgraad in Pastorale Teologie, beide aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Deon was vir lank deel van multi-professionele spanne in Stikland Hospitaal as Pastorale Terapeut en het dus grondige kennis van psigiatrie en die invloed van geestesgesondheid op die lewe en spiritualiteit.
Deon is ‘n ewige student en studeer verder in verskeie rigtings wat betrekking het op hulp aan individue en mense in verhoudings. Hy het intense belangstelling in die Neuro-wetenskappe en hoe ‘n bewustelike lewe verandering in denke en gedrag kan bring. In sy werk poog hy om vanuit ‘n nie-veroordelende posisie praktiese oplossings vir probleme te vind, verandering te bewerk en om saam te soek hoe om sin aan die lewe te gee.